Youth Sports & Business
I am a big fan of youth sports. There isn't a better vehicle that can teach teamwork, diligent effort, managing expectations and how to deal with a loss. There are so many good things that sports can teach a youth as many of you already know. Sports can mold character, create self discipline, instill a goal oriented mindset and coaches can impact a youths life in so many positive ways. I believe businesses can have a big impact by sponsoring teams, impacting lives and getting a little advertising in the process. I know its one small thing that may or may not deliver a quantifiable return to the bottom line but it will pay big dividends in the future of the kids that get to participate in the events.

This year we had the opportunity to support my local youth volleyball team to go to Chicago for the 2024 ASICS Junior National Volleyball Championships in Chicago ( The Conquestadoras Aguada made the trip from Puerto Rico all the way to Chicago to compete for three days of intense competition. There were teams from all over the US and Canada and one team from Puerto Rico.

The girls qualified in the bronze bracket and competed this past Sunday in a series of matches, every match made you sit on the edge of your seat. In the end the Conquestadoras Aguada came in first place at the tournament in the bronze bracket. I was so proud of every one of them for playing so hard, under the stress of competition and coming through highs and lows to win.
I am so proud of these young women and so glad that Sterling Lighting was able to partner with the team in a small way to see them go to Chicago.

I would encourage all business owners to support local youth sports, yes you get a small advertisement as a benefit, but honestly the joy of seeing young people compete and give there all is so much more exciting and rewarding. Youth Sports is a great way to be involved and integrated with your local community.
I wanted to take a little time to congratulate the team and encourage our customers to partner with local teams as well to help develop the next generation of entrepreneurs.